The FIG Registry

Are you a FIG? Do you know somebody who is? is going FIG-collecting.

We are creating a comprehensive database of all FIGs everywhere and everywhen, both individuals and organizations.


Right now, this is just a manually-maintained HTML page, but when there is enough demand, we'll set up a system to automatically handle new submissions, removal requests, and queries. For now, you need to send requests to <>.

If you are submitting a new FIG to the registry, you should provide its name and any aliases, a primary URL, and the years in which the FIG was part of the universe (if appropriate). You also need to include a one-line description of the FIG, which should contain links to other registered FIGs (no outside links are allowed, except for the primary URL). This gives people the context they need in order to learn more about the FIG. Take a look at the existing entries to get a feeling for how this should be done.

NOTE: you are only qualified to make additions and removals to the Registry if you love them. So, your request should contain a description of your relationship to the FIG in question, and why this addition or removal is important to you. If we think that you are not acting out of love, then we will enter into discussion with you, and give you a chance to express yourself better. This helps preserve the quality of the Registry.

What's a FIG?

If you're unfamiliar with the FIG concept, then you can take a look at our short Are you a FIG? document. The FIG Vision provides a much more detailed description of the concept.

There are no other restrictions. We want to know about all FIGs:

The Registry

Always be sure to use your own judgement when dealing with the entities in this registry. We make no guarantees about the FIG-ness of anything in the registry. However, if you judge that one of them doesn't belong on this list, if your favorite FIG is missing, or if you have any other comments, then tell us!

Adbusters [FIXME]
Raising public awareness of the impact of consumer culture.
Amnesty International [FIXME]
Fighting for freedom of human beings who are systematically oppressed by governments.
B Network [FIXME]
Teaching human beings how to allow their ecosphere to be free.
FIG Project [1998-]
aka FIG
Promoting creative acts of public service. [1998-]
Dedicated to serving the FIG Project. [FIXME-]
Free Software Foundation [1983-]
aka FSF
Dedicated to serving the GNU Project.
GNU Project [1983-]
aka GNU
Creating a complete computer operating system consisting entirely of free software.
Created and actively working in the universe in order to promote freedom and unity.
Gordon Matzigkeit (not mirrored) [1975-]
Christian, GNU hacker, maintainer, anti-consumerist, and amateur quantum physicist.
Jesus Christ [3 BCE-30 AD]
Completely dedicated his life to freedom through God.
Lyno Sullivan [FIXME-]
Possibly the smallest FIG in existence, and the basic building block for all other existing FIGs.
Universe [approx. 14 billion BCE-]
Contains every FIG that exists.

Copyright (C) 1998 FIG
The creator offers you this gift and wants it to remain free. See for more information.

If you have any questions or comments about this work, you should first make sure you have the latest official version (which can be found at, then send e-mail to <>.

This work is copylefted; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this work; if not, you can find it on the Internet at, or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, for more details.